Check out this week’s newsletter for some upcycling ideas and coffee recommendations!
ILSConnect Issue 43.1
With International Women’s Day on Monday, check this week’s newsletter for ways to get involved!
ILSConnect Issue 42.4
Looking for something to do but running out of ideas? Why not check out this week’s newsletter!
ILSConnect Issue 42.3
We just kicked off our eco-challenge this week so why not check out our newsletter for more info!
ILSConnect Issue 42.2
Next week we’ll be starting our famous eco-challenge so check this week’s newsletter for more!
ILSConnect Issue 42.1
Check out this week’s newsletter for our newest Book Club & LGBT+ History Month resources!
ILSConnect Issue 41.4
Keeping us all connected with what’s happening at the ILSC and around London!
ILSConnect Issue 41.3
Check out this week’s edition for some happiness hacks and wellbeing resources!
ILSConnect Issue 41.2
Check out this week’s newsletter for future events and join us in listening to the happiness half hour podcast!
ILSConnect Issue 41.1
Join us as we start the year off strong with afternoon tea, book club, and some online opportunities!